Knee pain and knee injuries are extremely common and there are many different causes. Appropriate treatment for knee dysfunction can only be made after an accurate diagnosis has been reached. Knee pain can be due to soft tissue strains or sprains to the ligaments and muscles surrounding the joint. Knee pain can also come from the joint itself, such as with osteoarthritis (i.e., wear and tear of the joint surfaces). Conditions of biomechanical dysfunction (for example with patellofemoral syndrome) can also be the cause, as can dysfunction from structures in the hip or lower back. An example of this is sciatica.
Knee pain has many causes and your knee treatment varies considerably depending on an accurate diagnosis. Treatment can involve simple knee mobilization techniques, massage, taping, acupuncture or dry needling, stretches or strengthening exercises, or can extend to a more thorough rehabilitation protocol after knee reconstruction or knee replacement. Following your initial examination, our team of therapists is better able to recommend the most appropriate care for your particular condition. Knee Rehabilitation ​ It may seem a little contradictory, but researchers have identified that knees exercises may assist in the relief of your knee pain. While we'd like to say that all knee exercises are beneficial to you, there are significant individual differences between all patients who present with knee pain. For example, an older diabetic overweight patient will require a very different set of knee exercises then a young high-performance athlete, or a patient who has undergone a more recent knee operation. For this reason, it is vitally important to identify which knee exercises are likely to help you and which could be more harmful. Exercise dosage is also important, and this will vary depending upon the phase of your specific diagnosis, your knee injury diagnosis, plus other individual health factors. This is exactly where our training in knee injury diagnosis and appropriate knee exercise prescription is important to guide you quickly back to pain-free and functional knees.