Pelvic floor dysfunction is common, and there are many evidence-based treatment options available. If you feel as though you are experiencing a pelvic floor related issue, please do not suffer in silence. Our pelvic health physiotherapists are here to help you.
**We currently only accept female patients for treatment by our pelvic health physiotherapists.
Prateeksha Suchak
Physiotherapy Resident

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is the uro-gynaecology (the medical approach to treating the urinary and reproductive systems) version of physiotherapy, where the focus is on the function of the abdomen and pelvis in relation to the rest of the body.
The abdomen and pelvis form the core of our bodies' structure (alignment) and function (from posture, movement and stability to reproduction, elimination and digestion). Our experienced pelvic health physiotherapists are skilled at working with various conditions that affect women's bladder, bowel, reproductive, sexual, and abdominal-pelvic health.