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How We Treat: Hip Pain

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Hip pain is common among many different age groups. The hip joint and its integration with your pelvis, tailbone, and lower back make it a complex region to correctly examine and diagnose the root cause of dysfunction.

Problems around the hip can cause pain and dysfunction in regions in the pelvis, torso, shoulders, knees, ankles and/or feet, just as issues in any of these previously mentioned areas of the body can lead to pain and dysfunction in and around the hip.

Below are just some of the common hip conditions we routinely treat within our Integrative clinic:

  • Hip arthritis

  • Hip bursitis (trochanteric bursitis)

  • GTPS (greater trochanteric pain syndrome)

  • Hip labral injuries

  • FAI (femoral acetabular impingement)

  • Groin strains

Your hip pain can and often is related to your whole lower limb biomechanics and function. Our assessment includes a thorough functional assessment of your knee, foot and ankle joints and all surrounding muscles and ligaments, in addition to the structures above the hip such as your pelvis, torso, shoulder and neck. They all contribute to your hip function.


Our unique approach to assessment and treatment will have you feeling better right from day one. We combine Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Massage Therapy techniques in order to most effectively treat your particular hip injury. We also understand that not every hip injury requires ‘treatment’, but rather some well-guided advice on stretching, movement and some help in calming your anxiety with respect to your pain.

In addition to specifically prescribed exercises for the hip and surrounding regions, one or more of the following modalities may be used in your rehabilitation plan:

  • Graston®

  • ART®, Active Release Techniques

  • Dry Needling

  • Shockwave Therapy

  • Acupuncture

How you choose to initiate therapy at our clinic is completely your decision. We have a highly effective team of Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Registered Massage Therapists and Naturopaths, each with a specific skill-set for addressing your particular hip injury. In some cases, patients prefer to start their care by seeing one particular type of therapist. More frequently, however, patients will start the process with an integrative examination, consisting of a joint-consultation and exam with both a Chiropractor and a Physiotherapist on staff. The team will then form a recommendation for care based on their findings. These recommendations may include just one form of care (eg. physiotherapy alone) or multiple services within the clinic (eg. combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care, or a combination of physiotherapy and chiropractic). Our goal is to meet YOUR goals in accurately diagnosing and quickly correcting your hip injury.


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